Thursday Night:
Zoom Classes
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Other Classes on Moodle
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View a map to the school, which is a part of Sylvester First Free Will Baptist Church.
SGTS has received full accreditation with
Being mindful of God’s will that His children be taught the content and practical applications of His Word in every aspect of learning and every activity of life and firmly believing that Christ-centered education is a necessary part of the fulfillment of His will, Southwest Georgia Theological Seminary has been established.
The ceremony begins at 11:00 am on Saturday, June 1at the HH Woolard Community Center. The address is 709 W. Wallace St, Sylvester, GA.
Students should be at the Center by 10:00 am.
Click the map to see an enlarged version of the map.
Approaching the Community Center
Community Center close-up